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The Cost Of Sauna Repair: Factors To Consider

April 11, 2024

A sauna is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. Even though it is widely considered to be popular in colder countries or regions, the health and wellness benefits a sauna has to offer make it an addition to any home regardless of the climate. When it comes to enjoying the warm and relaxing experience of a sauna, encountering a malfunction, especially an electrical one, can be frustrating. Sauna repair costs money, and sauna owners need to carefully budget for the costs of the repair.


Factors to consider when budgeting for a sauna repair:


1. Scope of the repair

The scope and complexity of the breakdown will determine the cost of the repairs. A small lighting issue is an easy fix, but a complex electrical issue like a heater malfunction requires a thorough investigation and a professional electrician’s involvement.


2. Type of sauna

The type of sauna can significantly affect the cost of the repair. A traditional stone sauna typically has lower repair costs compared to modern infrared saunas which use infrared emitters to produce heat. A local master electrician will be able to provide you with a more accurate sauna repair cost for each sauna type.


3. Location

In Canada, buying a cottage with a sauna in remote areas is a common practice. Cottage owners should consider the costs of bringing an electrician to the cottage to repair the sauna if no licensed electrician is available locally.


4. Age and condition of the sauna

The age of the sauna will greatly affect the repair cost. Older saunas are more likely to have worn-out components, so the repair may be more frequent and expensive. Newer saunas built on later technology may have a longer service life.


Assessing the scope of the repairs will also help you determine whether you can DIY your sauna repair or if you need to hire a licensed electrician in Toronto to do the work. When it comes to repairing the systems where electrical faults are present, we strongly recommend getting a licensed electrician to do the work. Licensed electricians have the necessary training, experience and equipment to handle the repair safely.


A.S. Electrical Services is an experienced electrical company in Toronto. We offer a wide range of electrical services, including sauna repair. We know how to install and repair all major sauna brands, including Steam Sauna Bath, Sauna Fin, Steamist and more. Our team of experienced and licensed electricians is ready to serve you regardless of your location in Toronto and the GTA area. Call us today to get a free estimate!