How to install GenerLink Transfer Switch

How to Install GenerLink: A Complete Guide
Generlink is an efficient device that provides stable and safe access to power during power outages. But, how to install GenerLink to your home?
There are three main steps a home owner must do.
Step 1
You must decide which GenerLink model works best for you. There are three options that can be combined to form your ideal model. The first option is amperage. GenerLink comes in either 30A or 40A. The greater the amperage, the more items can stay on during power outage. The second option is the length of the cord that connects from the generator to the GenerLink. The longer the cord, the further the generator can be placed away from the house, which reduces noise pollution. GenerLink cord starts at 20ft and goes up in increments of 20ft up to 100ft in length. The third option is whether to include a surge protector device in the GenerLink or not. Because the GenerLink is installed at the meter, the built-in surge protector allows constant protection against power surges that come from the grid, even when the generator is off.
Step 2
Once you purchased your desired model, you need to contact your hydro provider to schedule a temporary isolation. To do so you must submit an application through their website or follow their protocol, which varies depending on the company you use. For example, Toronto Hydro require an application to be submitted via This application is followed by additional forms to be filled and signed by a licensed electrician. Keep in mind that most companies take around 4 weeks to approve and schedule a date for the temporary isolation and that some providers may charge for this service.
Step 3
Once a temporary isolation date is set, hire an electrician to come onsite and install the GenerLink. This installation is fast and convenient, which should be done in under 1 hour. After the installation, the hydro provider will either turn back power to your house immediately or within a few hours. Now, you can enjoy uninterrupted power during outages.