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The Pros of a Driveway Heating System Installation

February 04, 2022

During the winter, heavy snow and ice collecting in driveways can pose a safety hazard. Extra caution is needed due to the slippery surface and increased likelihood of slips and falls. You might even have a business or commercial facility with a driveway, creating the responsibility to clear snow from it. While the option of shovelling can be chosen, it’s often a timely and physically-taxing job. This is where driveway heating systems come in and provide a much better solution. 


These systems can be installed efficiently before an upcoming winter snowfall. In action, they’ll heat your driveway to melt the snow and keep it off the pavement, a process that requires you to perform very minimal actions. This is discussed in more detail below, along with some of the other pros of installing such a system for your driveway.


Driveway Heating System Pros

Minimal amounts of effort are required with the use of a heated driveway, as there’s no need to manually remove the buildup of snow and ice. Quick activation of the system can prevent or remove accumulation in a timely manner. These systems can be automated according to temperature changes as well, or turned on and off if manual control is opted for.


This set-up is an alternative to using other methods of clearing a driveway, such as products with chemicals that may be harmful to the environment. To ensure that any pollution is avoided, and that animals will not come in contact with these substances, a driveway heating system is an ideal choice to melt snow with heat only. 


Lastly, since they’re designed to operate for many years and involve a minimum level of maintenance requirements, the costs associated with a heated driveway will not significantly stack up over time.

Browse our website and contact A.S. Electrical Services Ltd. today for more information about the installation of a driveway heating system, as well as how we can provide support through electric panel upgrades and more.