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Highlights of a Lighting Audit

November 09, 2017

Property owners and business managers are becoming more aware of the effect lighting can have on energy costs and how it can help them save. Before any savings can be attained, the best lighting technology for each application should be determined first. This is best done through a lighting audit

A lighting audit is an assessment that measures the existing lighting system against standards to know where cost-effective changes can be made. During the audit process, problems such as high lighting levels, or other factors which cause visual discomfort are noted. The quantity, type, height, and location of lamps and fixtures are all recorded and very detailed illumination level measurements are taken. 


The next step in lighting audit is considering simple retrofit possibilities such as converting from general lighting to task lighting.

It can be simply done by lowering the height of the fixture. Any possible areas for improvements are well noted during the audit. Once the retrofit options are fully examined, a plan for overall modification of the lighting is then devised. It integrates both the simple changes and major improvements into a more cohesive and energy efficient system. Apart from this efficiency, a professional lighting audit also takes into consideration all the applicable regulations for both existing buildings and new construction. Moreover, it was discovered that using low energy consumption, localized task lighting (LED) as the main source of light led to a 50% cut in bills for office lighting usage and brought up user satisfaction. This is evidence that something as simple as this lighting design change can make a huge difference.


Sustainability is now becoming an integral part of business culture.


A professional lighting audit can help business owners have a more energy efficient and well-designed lighting system which forms a part of sustainability goals. A.S. Electrical Services is a full-service company that can give provide you with a lighting audit, and the best quick fixes after getting the results. We offer a variable scope and employ specialists who are experts in this field. They can thoroughly assess your building or facility inside out to determine how your lighting systems can be improved. We then give you a full, detailed assessment report telling you how you can have great savings on energy costs.