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All You Need To Know About Driveway Heating Systems

October 20, 2022

Canada is famous for its brutal winters. Snow blowers and shovels are must-have tools in every homeowner’s garage. However, there are other more effective ways to clear the driveways from snow and ice. After reading this blog, you will be able to understand the real value of driveway heating systems in fighting the snow. 


Why should you install heated driveways?


The value of driveway heating systems cannot be overestimated. Here’s why installing snow-melting systems on your driveway is a good idea:

  • Improved safety. Heated driveways significantly reduce the chances of snow accidents on your driveway, so you can have peace of mind about the safety of a guest or a pedestrian stepping on your driveway.
  • Less maintenance. Even though snow shovelling accounts for great exercise, it turns into a nightmare if it has to be done every other morning. With driveway snow melting systems, you can forget about physical snow shovelling.
  • Saved costs on snow-melting equipment. Snow-melting equipment can be costly. Add the time you will spend on shovelling and the price of gas needed for the snow blower, your total expenses could easily equal the cost of a heated driveway system. 


What’s taken into account when determining the cost of heated driveway installation?


Snow melting systems are no doubt an investment. However, the benefits that come with heated driveway installation are inestimable. Here’s what’s usually included in the price of heating system installation:


  • The type of heating systems. A wide variety of snow-melting systems available on the market allows you to choose the one that is within your budget.


  • The size of heating systems. The larger the heating area, the more material and time will be required to install the system. A cheaper but still effective alternative to a full-fledged driveway heating system is heated mats. Heated mats are usually installed along the tire path on the driveway. 


  • Installation costs. Installation is another expense you should be budgeting for. The installation cost depends on the scope of work involved in installing the system. The larger the driveway, the higher the installation costs will be.  



When is the best time to install heated driveways?


It is recommended to install a snow-melting system during the construction of a new home. However, retrofitting the existing driveway is also a common service offered by electrical companies. A.S. Electrical Services Ltd. installs quality driveway heating systems as well as provides maintenance services for existing electrical systems. 

Driveway heating installation is best done in warmer times when there are fewer chances of rain or snow interfering with the installation process. A.S. Electrical Services Ltd. is a trusted electrical services company in Toronto. We offer quality electrical maintenance, repairs, and installation services, including snow-melting system installation. We always take into account our client's interests and offer solutions that best fit their needs and budget. If you have an upcoming electrical project or are looking to retrofit your driveway with a snow-melting system, get in touch with us for a consultation with one of our master electricians.