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4 Preventative Maintenance Practices for the Winter

October 09, 2019

There’s no questioning the importance of regular preventative maintenance when it comes to both residential and commercial electrical systems. This bodes especially true before the colder months of the year set in.


Master electricians perform regular preventative maintenance activities before winter to effectively mitigate the risks associated with poorly maintained electrical systems associated with freezing temperatures. Establishing maintenance schedules and practices will also serve to improve overall equipment and system performance in the long term.


As master electricians, A.S. Electrical offers a range of preventative maintenance services to ensure your home or commercial facility operates safely and at peak efficiency.


Today we’ll discuss the importance of 4 of them.


1. General Electrical Inspection


  • We understand the importance and value associated with regular maintenance checks for residential and commercial electrical systems during the winter months
  • Regular inspection leads to the increased efficiency and longevity of your lighting and electrical equipment, reduced risks associated with electrical failure, and decreased likelihood of electrical downtime, and significant savings in the long term (especially for electrical systems in the electrical and industrial fields)


2. Carbon Monoxide Systems


  • There’s no questioning the dangers associated with carbon monoxide leaks – that’s why under Ontario’s Fire Laws dictate that it is mandatory to have carbon monoxide alarms installed in homes
  • Our technicians are here to install, repair, and calibrate carbon monoxide detectors and other warning systems in both residential and commercial buildings throughout the year


Safety-focused techs install and calibrate CO detectors

Replace CO sensor in ventilation for fire law compliance

Replacement of Carbon Monoxide Sensor Controlled Motorized Louvers and Dampers as Part of Ventilation System 


3. Heat Trace Cables


  • With winter comes the potential for your home’s pipes to freeze and potentially burst which can cause water damage and end up costing you more than you anticipated
  • Luckily heat tracing is a viable option for ensuring that your pipes do not freeze or burst in the winter months.
  • As master electricians, A.S. Electrical is fully capable of installing heat tracing cables on the pipes in your home that need it most


4. Snow Sensor, Heated Ramp/Heated Pathway


  • Winter usually means having to shovel our walkways, ramps, and driveways – waking up early to deal with the time-consuming task of having to get out your shovel can seem daunting
  • But there’s never been an easier solution than installing a heated driveway with A.S. Electrical
  • Our heated systems use mats, sensors, and cables to melt snow as it accumulates so you don’t have to worry about taking out your shovel all winter long


A.S. Electrical technician installing a snow sensor and heated system for driveways, walkways, and ramps to ease winter maintenance

Partial replacement of heated driveway system components by A.S. Electrical technicians for efficient snow melting and winter maintenance

Heated Driveway - Partial Replacement 


Looking for quality preventative maintenance services?


A.S. Electrical offers the preventative maintenance services necessary to ensure your home or commercial building is in tip-top shape for the winter months. With years of experience serving Toronto and the GTA, you can rest assured knowing we are fully capable of providing the preventative maintenance services you need to mitigate any risks associated with poorly maintained electrical systems in the future. Call us today to learn more about our various services!