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4 Critical Signs It's Time to Replace Your Duct Bank

May 06, 2020

A duct bank supplies an enormous amount of electricity to your home or property. Despite its concrete and insulated encasement, it can start to deteriorate in functionality and capability over time. Prevent many expensive long-term problems by looking for the following signs indicating it is time for you to replace it with a functional and efficient one.

It's Been Ten Years

As a rule of thumb, a duct bank, vehicle, and even property roofing needs a complete integrity evaluation at its tenth year. In truth, many appliances and vehicles show signs of problems and aging once it goes beyond its fifth year. Therefore, call dependable electricians, such as us at A.S. Electrical Services, to give you the complete status of your electrical conduit.

Uneven and Fluctuating Electricity Flow in Property

If your home or tenants are complaining about electrical hiccups, such as the sudden flashing of lights or shutting down frequently of electrical appliances, your duct bank is a primary suspect. Indeed, it can be a simple power breaker or internal property wiring problem, but your electrical conduit might be causing the issues from within its encasement.

Skyrocketing Electric Bills

No one wants to encounter substantial electrical bills. However, if you've just recently had an HVAC tune-up along with ensuring the integrity of your property wiring, your electrical conduit might be the one to blame. Have a professional electrician team from A.S. Electrical Services help you as soon as possible to prevent further increase in your electrical problems.

Immense Damages

If a recent storm or disaster has damaged your electrical conduit, it's essential that you work with professional electricians immediately to survey the damages. If lights in your property do not work or some areas have dim and problematic lighting, a team of electricians must work to resolve the problem immediately.

Make Sure To Work Only With Dependable Electricians at All Times

A.S. Electrical Services has highly trained employees with years of combined unparalleled electrical service experience committed towards complete problem resolution for our clients. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you!