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Why Your Business Needs a Commercial Electrician

June 26, 2018

A commercial electrician can install, maintain and upgrade electrical systems with specialized design, power efficiency and very specific requirements. Electrical contractors with AS Electrical are licensed and thoroughly qualified to insure safety in all operations, while protecting home owners and business owners from liabilities. With the right contracting company, you can hire electricians of different specialties and rely on expertise, technology, licenses, certifications and modern equipment.


A commercial electrician can also be highly specialized to meet large or complex business needs.


Those that deal with high-voltage power transmission are line contractors. They build the infrastructure required to hold distribution lines and transport electricity from power plants through to commercial buildings and residential homes.


Inside electrical contractors are responsible for providing electricity within property boundaries. These contractors can also work in database centers. They design, install and maintain electrical systems for residential, institutional and commercial buildings.


Electrical contractors that mostly work with low-voltage installations such as telecommunications, climate controls, security systems, fiber optics, back-up power and wireless networks are known as IBS (Integrated building systems) contractors. Such contractors must be skilled at integrating systems to work together for maximum energy efficiency.


Any enterprise should count on licensed and reputable commercial electricians. Otherwise, due to the nature of their work, lack of permits and experience can result in hazardous circumstances both for the contractors and the property owners. Contractors are also responsible for ensuring that the project is running on time and happens within budget.


Since electrical contracting is a difficult task, most commercial electrical companies use project management software that is specially designed to increase efficiency during an ongoing project. The use of modern software ensures that everyone working on the project is able to access all necessary documentation in real time. This has been one of the most efficient tools used by contractors to drive efficiency and safety.


Trust a certified and experienced commercial electrician with AS Electrical in Toronto to improve the safety and efficiency of your business.