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Why Preventive Electrical Maintenance is a Wise Investment

June 14, 2018

Nowadays, electric power is at the root of every basic service but is most often overlooked or taken for granted. However, over the past decades, there’s an alarming increase in the severity and frequency of electrical systems failures. Power related anomalies can cost the industry billions of dollars each year. A system’s malfunction does not only result in expensive repairs and work-stoppage but is the leading cause of fire incidents in commercial buildings. These is why a preventative electrical maintenance program is an important investment and precaution for any business.


Preventative electrical maintenance can prevent losses, down time, high power costs and malfunctions.


If your business won’t be adversely affected by a sudden and unwanted electrical outage or failure and there is a very little probability of a fire breakout, then may not need it. But most commercial or business facilities depend entirely on power to operate. Once power is out, production or operation is significantly impacted, or worse stops.  


Study shows that an average business can see up to 4% savings in energy costs once they eliminate a poorly-maintained electrical system. Personnel safety is also one of the rising concerns with electrical distribution systems. Statistics also indicate that you can reduce the risk of an unscheduled power outage by as much as 66% if you are implementing an effective electrical maintenance program.     


Apart from predictive testing, a sound and solid electrical maintenance program includes de-energized maintenance for at least every 3 years on essential equipment and the electrical service coming from the utility line. Cleaning, lubricating, breaker testing, and relay testing are also conducted during the de-energized mode. Other required tasks are performed to ensure everything is safe and functional according to standards.


At A.S. Electrical Services, we offer electrical maintenance that can improve the efficiency of your lighting and electrical machinery, identify issues before they occur, and help your devices and equipment last longer. With our experienced specialists, you will reduce the risk and frequency of electrical failures and downtime. We have the expertise to take on any job, so contact us today to learn more or to request a consultation.