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Why electrical codes matter more than ever during the coronavirus outbreak

March 27, 2020

As an electrical service company, it is in our interest to hone methods of best practice so that clients and the public can rely on consistent grid service (e.g. for their EV charger) amidst the coronavirus pandemic.


Never one to back down from a challenge, A.S. Electrical has implemented strict safety measures to continue delivering the service the city of Toronto expects.


With quarantine and isolation guidelines in motion, citizens are now carrying out their livelihoods from home.


So, why do you have to be concerned about being up to date when it comes to electrical codes?


Thousands of reported fires occur within the confines of commercial and residential buildings every year, leading to millions of dollars in property damage, hundreds of injuries, and even deaths. 


Authorities regularly trace these events back to the failure in bringing a home or an office's electrical codes up to modern standards. 


The standard in question that ensures safe electrical installations and practices is the Canadian Electrical Code or CEC. It sets all electrical code standards for safe electrical works. This standard lays out comprehensive measures that pertain to everything from the design to inspection of all electronic equipment and devices, ensuring a property and its residents aren't susceptible to electrical threat.


Electric vehicle (EV) charging is no different

In the era of electric vehicles, those who have recently bought an EV charger should take note that they are not exempt. Reports and statistical analyses demonstrate that shock incidents were significantly minimised as more homeowners and occupants followed the ground fault circuit interrupter requirements.


Staying informed about these updates will allow you to better protect your investments, your EV charger, and, of more importance, your life.


With this in mind, you can count on the electricians here at A.S. Electrical to make sure your property conforms to the latest electrical codes, from your wiring down to every electrical device and equipment you have. 


Being knowledgeable about the most recent updates, you can rely on us to do the following for your peace of mind:


  • Inspect and see to it that your home meets the latest requirements for electrical installation, wiring, and equipment, including, of course, your new EV charger.
  • Conduct an inspection for a property you are interested in purchasing, providing you peace of mind that it is a safe place to settle for your new life.
  • Protect you from any injury and liability issues due to electrical failure incidents in your property.