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Why Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Are the Future

August 22, 2018

Expect to see electric vehicle charging stations to spring up around the GTA. As the popularity of electric cars soars, the focus is shifting to the availability of public stations for fast and accessible charging.


Why the demand for electric vehicle charging?

Electric vehicle sales are surging in Canada: up an astounding 75% from the previous year. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, however—consumers are conscious of the benefits electric vehicles have to offer. From cheaper running costs to decreased emissions, the advantages are clear. In Ontario and across Canada, a rapidly expanding infrastructure of electric vehicle charging stations is expected to accompany the recent market boom.


Why Canada?


EV sales are expected to keep rising in Canada, as public interest swings towards eco-friendly alternatives to traditional combustion vehicles. The sales numbers indicate that more and more Canadians are willing to invest in electric transport in order to reduce their carbon footprint and cut down on fuel expenses. Even in our harshest winters, electric cars have demonstrated their ability to travel long distances.


Will we see a drastic change in Ontario?


A comprehensive electric vehicle charging network is projected to be up across the Greater Toronto Area in the near future. With government incentives that promote charging station growth and provincial funding, switching to an electric car will be easier than ever. In fact, Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan supports the development of public charging stations in order to reduce carbon emissions on a province-wide level.


The green industry revolution


World urbanization trends strongly indicate that 66% of the world’s population will live in cities by the year 2050. The urban population of the world has increased significantly since the year 1950 and is not projected to slow down any time soon. In North America alone, 82% of the population is currently living in cities. Facts and figures aside—What does this mean for the transportation industry?


Green city planning is on the rise. As urban sprawl begins to envelop suburbs and entire communities, the need for environmental city planning rears its head. In recent years, the focus is on green transportation, increasing public transportation, and building an infrastructure of electric vehicle charging stations. Bike-sharing services have also emerged in the most densely populated cities, from Tokyo to Mumbai.  


Congested roads, fuel guzzling cars, and air pollution are unwanted byproducts of the urban environment. These undesired consequences of city life are not popular with young consumers. As a new generation of eco-conscious millennials gain buying power, the transportation industry will bend to cater to their needs.