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When is a Lighting Retrofit Necessary?

December 15, 2017

When it comes to industrial or commercial buildings, the expenses come from everywhere. As a result, building owners and managers tend to be constantly searching for ways to cut down on operating costs without negatively impacting businesses or residents using the facility. Because of this, the lighting retrofit is quickly becoming a popular avenue for cutting down on energy costs, not to mention improving the general quality of the building. A.S. Electrical will gladly send a team of experienced electricians to your facility for a lighting retrofit; to upgrade your lighting and electric systems to modern models that provide myriad benefits to you.


A lighting retrofit may be necessary if you are…


  • Hoping to save on energy costs - Possibly the most immediate advantage of a lighting retrofit is the savings you will experience, especially after upgrading to LED bulbs, which can offer a reduction in your wattage of up to 80% -- and a much longer lifespan too. The cost-efficiency of modern systems is a significant benefit of newer systems that few facilities want to ignore.
  • Trying to improve the general quality of operations - An overhaul of the older system will often allow you to install new features for your building that increase comfort and general usability for your residents and managers. For example, the ability to create centralized systems that can be operated offsite allows for a great deal of flexibility for efficient operations.
  • Looking to improve facility safety - Aging electric rooms are prone to common safety hazards such as arc flashing. Older systems are often filled with flaws that are becoming increasingly apparent in today’s world, as electrical fires and burns are unfortunately common events. Up-to-date systems are far less likely to cause accidents that may result in pain or injury, or damage to the building they operate in.


If you believe a system upgrade of any kind might be beneficial to you or your business, feel free to call us at A.S. Electrical today, to learn how our services can benefit you!