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The Dos and Don’ts an Electrician would Share with You

December 15, 2021

A highly qualified electrician will have a thorough understanding of your electrical system, whether home or work is the setting, and despite the complicated setup it might have. If it’s been worked on by others in the past and there’s a chance that safety codes weren’t always adhered to, carefully looking for your next electrician in Toronto is important. It’s also best to hold off on any assumptions when it comes to electrical systems and instead seek help from a professional. They’ll know how to handle the situation when an electronic device or appliance is displaying a problem.


Here are some topics that an electrician could advise you on:

Always install a 3-slot receptacle with a ground wire


You may be planning to replace your older, two-slot receptacles with three-slot outlets, in order for plugs that have a three-prong makeup to be used. If you’ve gained the skill to do so, you must first make sure that there’s a ground wire present for this process.


Never hold down a circuit breaker


A trained electrician would tell you this - while a circuit breaker works primarily to break the circuit, if your breaker keeps on popping, you should never try to fix this by holding it down. Otherwise, the problem can grow in scale. It’s a good idea to opt for the help of professionals, who will have the means to find and resolve the issue that’s causing your breaker to trip.


Always consider tamper-resistant receptacles


If you have young kids who love to examine things, tamper-resistant receptacles are crucial. They’re also great to install in all locations, whether outdoors or indoors. For properly setting up this kind of outlet, a licensed electrician is well-suited for demonstrating or performing the job.

The search for electrical contractors in Toronto doesn’t need to be a long one. Browse our website and contact A.S. Electrical Services Ltd. for more information on the solutions we provide!