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Scientific Breakthroughs Within the Electrical Industry

September 27, 2019

The rate of scientific progress is at a historical high, of which the electrical industry has also come to experience with each passing year.



As society continues to rely less on non-renewable energy delivery systems and resources, the need for ingenious energy storage solutions becomes more important than ever.


Let us look over the areas of growth throughout the industry that electrical companies are starting to notice, enabling them to be implemented in the services they provide:


Solar Concentrators

While still in its infancy, high-powered solar concentrators are forecast for substantial growth in the market over the following years. When compared side-by-side with the solar concentrators that are abundant in the market today, their high-powered counterparts showcase higher efficiency of solar light collection without having to track for direct sunlight. Initiatives such as these help make large strides in making solar technology more affordable for both electrical companies and customers (Muhammad-Sukki et al., 2010).


Semiconductor Technology

One of the more notable modern advancements in semiconductor technology are III-V compound semiconductors – named as such due to being an alloy containing elements from group III and V in the periodic table. Comprehensive research is being carried out at The University of Warwick into III-V semiconductors, iterating on research that have showcased improvements in aspects such as thermal conductivity, and high electron mobility and density.


Comparator-Based Switched Capacitor (CBSC)

The amplification, processing, and filtering of analogue signals into digital signals are conducted through analogue circuits. The issue surrounding today’s analogue circuits are their cost-inefficient and resource intensive operation.


Modern advancements to combat this inefficiency have substantiated in producing CBSC circuits – providing more power efficiency and easier implementation as they handle voltage differently compared to traditional analogue circuits. Which, as a result, allows electrical companies to capitalise on these developments when providing services to customers.



Muhammad-Sukki, F. et al. (2010) ‘Solar Concentrators’, International Journal of Applied Sciences, 1, pp. 1–15.