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Safety Innovations in Electrical Engineering Services

April 11, 2018

A.S. Electrical Service strives to continuously adapt to advancements in electrical engineering in order to provide our clients the most efficient and innovative electrical services they need. When it comes to wiring, installations, upgrades and maintenance, we can help any enterprise ensure safety and efficiency.

Electrical safety requires careful attention, regular maintenance and professional installation practices. It’s important to improve electrical safety in residential and commercial buildings to keep people safe, to improve power efficiency and to reduce legal liability.


With certified and experienced electrical services from AS Electrical, you can prevent common safety issues and meet these legal requirements:


1.    Arc Fault

There are two types of operational arcs. The operational and non-operational. Operational arcs involve the proper function of the electrical system. Examples are the switching loads on/off and contact closure/opening. Non-operational arcs are for potential fire hazards. It gives priority to damaged insulation in fixed wiring and appliance cords as well as loose connections.

2.    Tamper-resistant receptacles

The two-prong plug in the outlet must be evenly inserted into the tamper-resistant receptacle will not open. It provides a permanent solution to childhood shocks from tampering with wall outlets. It also features safety internal shutters that block foreign objects from being inserted into the receptacle. This provides electrical services installation a safer solution to your households.

3.    Power over Ethernet

A structured cable system that binds up cables to produce extended lengths. POE requirements have been added to the code for higher power applications.

4.    Maximum continuous load marking

There is no requirement to communicate concerns about future maintenance and modification of electrical services system. In this section, it is stated that there must be a caution label on the equipment to indicate the maximum continuous load allowed.

A.S. Electrical offers safe and efficient electrical service, relying on fully certified and highly experienced technicians. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to request a consultation.