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How A Lighting Audit Can Save You Money

May 01, 2018

A lighting audit can provide a wide array of benefits, with the most important one arguably being you saving money. Electrical and lighting bills can get seriously hefty due to potential issues in your electrical supply or lighting system.


These are a few things that a lighting audit involves and how it can save you money in the long term!

Identifies Issues with Electrical Supply and Wiring

When conducting a lighting audit, this is by far the most important part of the process. Identifying any underlying issues with your electrical supply and wiring is imperative in knowing how to improve upon it!


For example, if the lights that you’re currently using are outdated, they are typically using a higher power consumption and burning out very quickly. By identifying this issue, suggesting a newer light model that has a lower power consumption, higher service life, and a brighter light can save you loads of money in the long run!


Identifies Sources of Current Bleed

Current bleed is A lighting audit involves identifying any sources of current bleed. Current bleed is when an electrical current is constantly flowing even when a device is not being used. This results in unnecessary power consumption that will undoubtedly have an effect on your hydro bill!


Identifies Potential Hazards

Identifying any potential hazardous zones within the electrical grid is not only important to saving money, but it ensures the safety of yourself and your employees! Hazardous zones, if left untouched, can cause serious damage to property and its occupants. Any professional effort to deal with these hazardous zones are sure to save you money in the long run.


After we undergo a thorough assessment of your lighting and electrical system, you can then hire us to fix any problems we may have found and offer solutions to issues that are weighing heavy on your hydro bill! These three things that a lighting audit provides can save you loads of money down the line. Luckily for you, our highly skilled staff at A.S. Electrical are prepared to service whatever electrical or lighting need you might have!