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Heated Driveways 101

November 29, 2019

In Canada, the coming and going of winter usually coincides with renovation or building projects meant to improve a building’s adaptability to the cold. As electrical contractors in Toronto, A.S. Electrical has had our fair share of such projects.


Right now is the best time for such projects as there is no snowfall to interfere with the renovation process.


One of the most popular types of projects are heated driveways. Electrical contractors in Toronto are often asked if they can perform this renovation, but many of them do not have the necessary expertise. The process involves installing a series of wires of create a full mat of an electric current. The mat is then paved over, and when needed, the electric current can be activated to melt and dissolve the snow that falls on the driveway.


Heated driveways are useful not only for residences, but for commercial lots as well. Here are just some of the many benefits of having qualified electrical contractors in Toronto upgrade your driveway:


1. Saves time and energy

With a heated driveway, you no longer have to shovel snow, spread salt, and worry about ice. Not only is shovelling time and energy consuming, it is also not always effective. Furthermore, it can be dangerous, especially for older people.


2. Ensures safety

A heated driveway benefits drivers as well as pedestrians, who have the unenviable task of navigating snowed-out and icy sidewalks. People falling or damaging their vehicles outside your business will bring unwanted trouble.


3. Savings in the long run

While there will be an initial expenditure when you get your driveway upgraded, it is nothing compared to the potential loss of money that will occur with injury, damage to vehicles, compensation, and repairs as a result of ice and cold damage.


A.S. Electrical is one of the best electrical contractors in Toronto, specializing in services such as heated driveways. Get in touch with us today to learn how our services can benefit your residential or commercial lot.