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Electrical Vehicle Charging Do-Nots to Keep Your Battery Performing Longer

July 10, 2018

We have talked about installing electric vehicle charging infrastructure in your home, office, condominium parking and more. We have also talked about the relative merits of the various ‘Levels’ of electric vehicle charging.


Overcharging, undercharging or turbo-charging: electrical vehicle charging is full of pitfalls for the uninitiated EV buyer.


In this instalment we will look at what some commonly understood ‘not so good practice’ for electric vehicle charging are. Owners have discovered that while electric cars, and even those from manufacturers which now have a proven lineage of making quality EVs, are good at maintaining a healthy balance between range and battery longevity, there are a number of elements under your control as a user.


We take a look at what some of these elements are and how avoiding these ‘not the best practices’ electric vehicle charging tips help you make the most of your EV.


Overcharge and discharge – The greatest damage lithium-ion battery packs face is when they are charged to their maximum capacity and allowed to sit there. Heat, chemical breakdown and even structural integrity can be damaged due to this. Also, fully discharging your battery will affect its life. Though there’s no easy consensus in what range you should keep your charge, between 80 and 20 per cent seems like a good middle ground.


Temperature fluctuations – Leaving your EV in the freezing cold or in hot conditions for prolonged periods will affect the battery chemistry. Though it may appear to be irksome that the range has dropped, over time it will cause the capacity of the battery to deplete faster than normal.


Using DC Fast Charging Sparingly – DC Fast Chargers, available at commercial locations for a fee, usually, are convenient but being heavy handed with its use will likely reduce the lifespan of your car’s battery. The heat generated during charging and the strain on its chemical composition means even manufacturers warn customers from overusing FC fast chargers.


Stagnant petrol – Petrol in an EV? It might sound ludicrous to suggest it, but there are several models of EV on sale in the market with auxiliary motor generators and a small fuel tank. With battery capacities rising and people realizing they do not actually use the full range of an EV and electric vehicle charging infrastructure is getting widespread, these combustion engines sit silent for long periods. Make sure to run your petrol engine once in a while lest the petrol in your tank start to denature.