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All You Need to Know About Audi E-Tron Charger

March 14, 2023

After unveiling its first electric vehicle concept at the 2009 International Motor Show in Germany, Audi’s first and eagerly expected electric vehicle went on sale in 2019. Today, Audi’s electric vehicle range has expanded to include sport backs and sedans, plug-in hybrids and fully-electric vehicles with various levels of horsepower and battery range. And while electric vehicles are generally considered a luxury due to their total cost of ownership, Audi’s e-tron is more of an exception than a rule in this case. Not only is it great in terms of fuel economy and maintenance costs, but it also qualifies for the government's iZEV program incentive. 


So if you recently became a happy owner of the newest Audi electric vehicle or are planning to purchase one, you might have more questions about it, especially when it comes to charging. In this blog, we cover the most common questions related to the Audi e-tron chargers to help you better understand your vehicle and how it is charged. 


How frequently do you have to charge the Audi e-tron?


The average driving range of an Audi e-tron is between 218 and 222 miles (or ~350 km to ~360 km). That means if your daily commute is 70 km long, you will need to charge your vehicle with an EV charger once every five days. It may be a little more often than with an average Audi SUV, but internal combustion engines can’t compete with the fuel efficiency you get with electric vehicles.


Charging frequency will also depend on the type of charger you use. The Level 1 charger, which comes with the vehicle, will charge the car in three days from empty. However, you can get a much faster rate with Level 2 chargers, which are the most commonly used charger types for homes. The fastest charging speed you can get is with the Level 3 charger, but keep in mind that Level 3 public chargers do cause the battery to wear out faster than the others. 


Charging Audi E-Tron At Home


Charging an Audi e-tron at home is extremely easy with Audi’s Charging System Compact. While you may think it is a full-fledged EV charger, it is actually not. Audi’s Charging System Compact is a system that serves as the interface between the vehicle and the main power source at home. It is much like a controller that ensures safe power delivery between the electric vehicle and your home. 


Audi’s Charging System Compact is a standard fixture in every Audi e-tron vehicle and includes two interchangeable cables, one for a standard household receptacle and one for a 240V power outlet. The Level 1 charger that comes with the vehicle can fully charge the car in about three days, but if you want a faster charging rate, you might want to consider installing a Level 2 charger instead. 


Moreover, Audi’s Charging System Compact has to be installed by a licensed electrician in Toronto. For best results, when you shortlist electrical companies in Toronto who can install an Audi e-tron charging system, ask the providers how much experience they have with installing this particular system and installing charging stations in general. 


A.S. Electrical is a reliable electrical company in Toronto that provides home and commercial electrical repairs, maintenance and installation, including EV charger installation services. We are an electrical company built on a strong foundation of electrical service knowledge and experience in the commercial, industrial, and residential (including condominium) sectors. If you recently became an owner of an Audi e-tron electric vehicle and are looking to install the Audi Charging System Compact, don’t hesitate to call us!