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4 Things to Consider When choosing An Electric Vehicle Charging Unit

May 19, 2020

Electric vehicles are taking the world by storm because of their efficiency and unmatched capability to help the environment, savings on gas and utilities, and their digitally-advanced features. However, you'll want to have the best electric vehicle charging unit in your home. Here are four ways to help you find the best ones.

The Right Charging Level

Three types of electric vehicle charging units are available in the market today. A Level 1 charger is simple: it connects to a standard outlet and takes about 12-20 hours to charge an electric vehicle completely. Level 2 chargers use appliance outlets and can take 6-14 hours to complete vehicle charging. Lastly, a Level 3 charger takes only 1-4 hours to finish loading.

Essential Features For Your Vehicle

Whether you're choosing an electric vehicle charging unit for your home or to use at the office, you'll need to know what kind of charging plugs your electrical vehicle has. Most EVs have CCS, CHAdeMo, or even multi-EV charging capabilities, and you can have a reliable electrician team, such as us at A.S. Electrical Services, install the unit for you.

Can Your Space Handle It?

Electric vehicle chargers can be very large and most of them are understandably only found in garages or outdoor spaces. On the other hand, many Level 1 chargers are small enough to be used indoors. Alternatively, many Level 3 chargers can withstand rain, snow, and both moderately extreme hot and cold weather.

Additional But Non-Essential Features

Some electric vehicle chargers are more expensive than others because they let you monitor your charging state using smartphones. Smart EV chargers adjust the amount of electricity by its load and other factors, including data for your charging usage.

Use Excellent Contractors for Excellent EV Charger Installations

If you have yet to find an excellent electrical contractor to work with, you can count on us at A.S. Electrical Services. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.