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3 Signs You Need Electric Panel Upgrades

September 22, 2021

Have you had any issues with your appliances such as them not operating properly or are you perhaps facing frequent fuse trips? What’s probably happening is that over time, your electrical panel has deteriorated. But how do you know for sure if you need electric panel upgrades or a complete replacement? This can be identified using a few signs which will help you determine the root cause of your problem. 


Here are 3 signs that you need an electric panel upgrade at the earliest. 

Burning Odor Or Sparks

If you notice that your electric panel produces a burning smell or feels warm to the touch, it can be a sign that it’s not installed properly or that it can be overloaded. Moreover, this symptom can be complemented by frequent sparks in your circuits. This is quite serious as there is an increased risk of an electric fire due to faulty wiring. We recommend not waiting any further and call in an electrical expert to check on it immediately. 


Flickering Lights

The telltale sign of a faulty electric panel is flickering lights. When you turn on one or more appliances, you may notice your lights flickering. This is because electricity is being unevenly distributed, causing your electric system to overload. If this is the case with your home, it's high time you consider an electric panel upgrade, and it's best to get it done by professionals, such as A.S.Electrical Services Ltd., who have decades of experience in electrical retrofitting.


Electric Shocks

Perhaps the most obvious symptom of all, you can be assured that it's time to upgrade or replace your electric panel if you get mild shocks while turning on switches around the house. This happens due to an electrical leakage that is seeping into your power outlet and switches. This is extremely risky and requires prompt action.


Be it a small repair or a complete replacement, always keep in mind that having an improperly functioning panel can potentially expose you to electrical fires. The whole process of upgrading or replacing your electrical panel can be time-consuming, but doing it will make a big difference in terms of safety and efficiency. 


From installing heated driveways and EV charging stations to upgrading panels and providing electrical solutions of all kinds, we at A.S.Electrical Services Ltd. are extremely confident in our ability to provide you with the best service. Contact us today for a consultation or book an appointment to receive prompt service from our expert electricians.