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2 Preventative Tips to Protect Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

February 28, 2019

Carbon monoxide alarms have been mandatory in Ontario since 2014 as per Ontario’s Fire and Prevention Act. The importance of having functional carbon monoxide detectors in your home is not simply a health and safety formality. It can be the difference between life or death. The law is known as the Hawkings-Gignac Act, a reference to OPP Constable Laurie Hawkins and her family who died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a blocked chimney in their home in 2008. The colourless, odourless, yet incredibly poisonous gas kills up to 50 people annually – with that number spiking in the colder winter months.


As we’re in the midst of winter, it’s important to reflect on the preventative measures against carbon monoxide poisoning. While our houses are tightly sealed and insulated to ensure we can warm our homes up more efficiently – it also leads us vulnerable to the rapid accumulation of carbon monoxide gas.


Today we’ll discuss a few precautions you can take to protect you and your family from experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning in your home:


Placement of Alarms


As stated, it is mandatory in Ontario for all homeowners to have carbon monoxide alarms installed in their homes. The only exemption from this mandatory legislation are electric homes that do not have attached garages – an exemption that only fits 2% of Ontario’s population.


In this regard, it is also important to consider proper placement when installing carbon monoxide alarms. It’s recommended to place alarms by your family’s bedrooms – as we are most vulnerable when we are asleep. if you live in a multi-story home, it is also recommended to place an alarm on each level, and in any place where carbon monoxide gas emission could occur.


Regular System Maintenance


Another preventative measure you can take to protect you and your family from carbon monoxide poisoning is to conduct regular maintenance of your appliances – especially of your furnace, or if you have a gas stove. If blockages in these appliances occur, it could result in byproducts that aren’t vented properly outside – allowing these byproducts to stay in your home and putting your family at risk.


Consult your Local Residential Electrician in Toronto


Luckily you can consult your local residential electrician in Toronto to for best practices. Your residential electrician will be able to advise on potential risks and how to prevent them. Regular assessment of your home’s electrical system can also serve as a preventative measure against carbon monoxide poisoning in addition to regular maintenance of your appliances.



A.S. Electrical is Your Go-To Residential Electrician in Toronto. With years of experience culminating from a strong foundation of electrical service knowledge and experience in residential buildings – we are more than capable of assessing your electrical needs and getting the job done efficiently and effectively every time. Our reputation for commitment to our clients, and our higher standard of excellence when it comes to quality is evident in our work – having serviced dozens of properties in Toronto and across the GTA.